⭐️ Making small changes can have a big impact on your health⭐️ Adding lemon water is an easy and tasty step towards a healthy lifestyle.🍋🍋🍋
Although lemon is acidic in its natural form, once metabolized it has an alkalizing affect on the body. Alkalizing your body brings many health benefits. In an alkaline environment, certain microbes can’t flourish and cells and tissues function optimally.
Lemon water has been credited with improving digestion and detoxification, lowering inflammation, weight loss, skin health, preventing kidney stones and more.
It’s also a refreshing substitute for sugary drinks. And if you are still drinking soda, please stop. 🛑 It is one of the most impactful changes you can make for your health. Try swapping it out with the recipe below and you won’t even miss it! My kids love to make this simple lemonade:
•Juice of one lemon 🍋
• Filtered water
• 2-4 Organic stevia drops (to taste)*
• Add fresh herbs from your garden. We like basil, mint or parsley. 🌿
*I’m not a huge fan of the flavor of stevia in general but the drops work perfectly in this lemon water. Plus, traditional lemonade recipes call for up to a cup of sugar per 4 cups water! 😮
Simply Delicious Lemonade
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