We have had some excitement during this shelter in place! A couple of weeks ago, I posted a video of Andrew taking a brain break from e-learning by making a green smoothie to share with others via my social media. Windy City Live reached out and asked him to make one for their Facebook page! They have been focusing on building their educational content on their social media platform. He (and I) were so excited for this fun project. I bundled up with my mask, gloves and hat and headed out to the grocery to grab some fresh produce.
We quickly went over what he was to include in the video. There were specific instructions from the WCL producer, and some nutritional points from me for him to cover, all while he was to be himself and natural in a several minute segment with a quick turnaround. It’s a lot for anyone to do, let alone an 11-year old. Not too mention trying to shoot straight through, if a mistake is made, all the produce put in the smoothie can’t be reused! What a time to be limited on groceries. But after a handful of takes, he got into his rhythm, and did a fantastic job! I’m really proud of him, and hope you enjoy this video too. See it here.